Delivery Time
Delivery usually takes 2-7 working days (in individual cases up to 14 days) in European countries. Please note that we cannot provide you with the exact arrival date at the destination, as it depends on the logistics of various transport companies.
Secure Packaging
We offer you the safest possible delivery methods, so you don’t have to worry. After working in this field for many years, we apply all our knowledge to ensure that your order is delivered in the safest way possible. This is confirmed by the thousands of customers we have served.
We only ship to
Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, the Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Greece, Portugal, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Luxembourg, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, USA.
Please note that if your country is not listed below, it means we do not ship there due to strict customs control.
Please be aware – we do not deliver to the island areas of Europe that are part of the EU, such as the Canary Islands.
We have good statistics on successful deliveries in European countries. We reduce possible risks for our customers associated with delivery by shipping orders in discreet packaging to some countries with enhanced postal office control.